Flowering Rush

Flowering Rush, or Butomus umbellatus, is an invasive/noxious weed that poses a massive threat to the environmental health of aquatic systems throughout the Great Lake region of the U.S., as well as the Pacific Northwest. Due to its aggressive rhizomatic growth and hearty nature, the plant has invaded our natural habitats and replaced them with a new habitat, that functions undesirably to the existing world’s social and natural structures.

The plant’s origin lies in Eurasia, and was brought to the Americas ornamentally, possibly for the desirably pink colors it shows when flowering. Escaping captivation, it is essentially in “prison break” mode, spreading rapidly and choking out natural plants in their own home. Since its introduction, the weed exists prolifically all along lake beds and aquatic zones even up to 10 feet deep, and has been the source of many headaches for government entities across our country.

This plant is still being studied for the most effective way to control it, however, many sources have reported glysophate as a decently successful chemical. You can also manage it by cutting it, although this is not lethal to the plant and is not very efficient. Here at Lakeland Restoration, we have successfully stopped the spread of this weed in various parts of Montana, Idaho, and Washington, and have re-established some of the areas’ natural habitats.

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